Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Breast Cancer

Human beings are naturally concerned with that which is closest to themselves, whether it be positive or negative. First and foremost, we are most concerned with that which happens in our own homes, then in our own city, our own country.  Humans have learned to develop a sort of selfishness in order to survive and to maintain the health of those close to us and similar to us.  Individually, we all go on a journey trying to satiate our subconscious desire to feel good about ourselves. How we go about this journey comes in different forms. We learn to take care of ourselves, but we also learn to strive to be selfless. This selflessness is ultimately a part of being selfish. Can one really be selfless, or is it part of bigger scheme of trying to satiate that desire? When does this desire come into play? There must be certain factors that determine what makes people want to help others. Some agents such as moral beliefs, environment, emotions and gender can drive and shape helping behavior.
The experiment that we are conducting is to demonstrate whether the gender of a person has an effect on which charity he or she will donate to. The goal of the experiment is to test the differences is charitable activity—if gender factors suggest a woman will donate to a certain charity, while another charity appeals to men. The charities we are focusing have gender-related causes—one charity being the Breast Cancer Foundation and the other being the Prostate Cancer Foundation.  The experiment may show that people of each gender should be attracted to their respective gender-related charity—women will more likely donate to breast cancer, men to prostate cancer—because they are able to relate or are some way attracted to the cause. The experiment can enable to better understand why people help according to gender.

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